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On the death of Wolfgang Engstfeld

Dear members,

as some of you may already know, others have only just heard the sad news: Wolfgang Engstfeld, who had been seriously ill for some time, passed away unexpectedly on 18 September.

His death is a great personal loss for me as a friend! But also as a musician - and this certainly applies to many other colleagues - we have lost one of the most important representatives of his instrument. As a teacher and inspirer, the saxophonist had a lasting influence on the next generation of musicians. "...One of the best that Europe has ever produced, a real personality with a sound that always got under your skin... thank you, Wölfi, without you I would never have become a musician," said Reiner Witzel, among others, in honour of his former teacher. An appreciative statement that is shared by colleagues such as Paul Heller, Mathias Nadolny and many others. As the response in the social media also shows.

I will miss his vital, intense playing, which is at the same time so lyrical, with an unmistakable tone!

We will be remembering our friend and colleague "Wölfi" in a private setting at the Schmiede in October.

Peter Weiss