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Blue Art Orchestra

Big Band
€ 18,– (discounts available)


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The BAO is a jazz orchestra which, under the direction of pianist Georg Ruby, deals with the interpretation of contemporary material for jazz orchestra in an intensive and individual way.
In addition to material by Georg Ruby, the band currently works with compositions and arrangements by musicians such as Christina Fuchs, Heiner Schmitz, Kenny Wheeler and Maria Schneider.

The BAO is also at home in the field of straight ahead: the musicians present a large part of the otherwise rarely heard band book of the Kenny-Clarke-Francy-Boland-Big-Band and thus Francy Boland's very special rhythm concept within a big band. And what is a jazz orchestra without its band voice: the BAO integrates the Cologne vocalist Barbara Barth as a feature soloist and as a "colour" acting without lyrics and arranged into the band context.