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Viento Terral

€ 16,– (discounts available)

(tb), (b), (timbales), (congas)

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Jazz Latino

Viento Terral is a quintet of internationally renowned musicians who are all deeply rooted in the current global Latin and jazz scene.

Viento Terral" is originally a maritime term. For this unusual, surprising, innovative band, however, it stands for the earthy colours of the percussion instruments, the sparkling spray of the rhythm section and, of course, for the soul of the trombone - real wind power!

Viento Terral: that is deep calm as well as excitement and explosion, that is modern jazz sensibility and deep appreciation of Latin traditions.

"Viento Terral" is also the name of the second track on the debut album "eh 'neeky!". The follow-up album with guest star Bob Mintzer was released in February 2023.


Location: Himmelgeister Str. 107G - Zufahrt Ulenbergstr, 40225 Düsseldorf

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