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Wako ist eine der dynamischsten und innovativsten Gruppen der aktuellen (nicht nur norwegischen) Jazzszene und hat eine solide Fangemeinde aufgebaut und Anerkennung von Kritikern aus Nah und Fern erhalten. Mit fünf Alben und Hunderten von Live-Auftritten spielt Wako mit einer Autorität und Persönlichkeit, die sie an die Spitze des nordischen Jazz stellt. Mit einer fast rücksichtslosen Haltung gegenüber musikalischer Risiken erforschen Wako ihre ganz eigene Sprache und Herangehensweise an Musik. Einzeln sind die Musiker auch in Projekten wie dem norwegischen Grammy-Gewinner Hegge und Flukten und den norwegischen Grammy-Nominierten Megalodon Collective sowie anderen Bands wie dem Espen Berg Trio, dem Kjetil Mulelid Trio und dem Trondheim Jazz Orchestra zu sehen.

WAKO - Four Norwegian improvisers with an utter disregard for purism, and an almost reckless attitude towards taking musical risks - Wako are exploring their very own language and approach to music. With five albums and hundreds of live performances under their belt, Wako plays with an authority and personality that places them at the forefront of Nordic jazz. Wako is one of the most dynamic and innovative groups on today's jazz scene, and has built a solid fan base and garnered recognition from critics near and far. According to Mark Sullivan (All About Jazz - US), Wako is "a Norwegian jazz collective with a real collective sound", and the previous album "Wako" (Øra Fonogram, 2020) was put on the top list of Jazzwise (UK) both in March and April 2020. Wako has taken their ever-evolving musicality and creativity with them around Europe, and done renditions of their music live both as a quartet, with the Oslo Strings ensemble, and with trumpet virtuoso Arve Henriksen, among others. The scope of the music is always carefully adjusted to the audience, environment and musical material, which means that the concerts are not only superlative, but also unique experiences. In short, Wako is one of the most impressive young live groups on the scene today. Individually, the musicians can also be seen in projects such as Norwegian grammy winner Hegge and Flukten, and Norwegian grammy nominees Megalodon Collective, and other bands such as Espen Berg trio, Kjetil Mulelid Trio and the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra


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